
ResidentEvilisaJapanesehorrorgameseriesandmediafranchisecreatedbyCapcom.Itconsistsofsurvivalhorror,third-personshooterandfirst-person ...,,生化危机百科全书Wiki是一个任何人都可以贡献的在线社区网站。探索、分享并...遊戲.ResidentEvil7biohazardPC ...,ResidentEvil,knowninJapanasbiohazard(バイオハザード,Baiohazādo)isa2002survivalhorrorvideogamedevelopedbyCapcom.Itisaremakeofthe1996 ...,WelcometotheRe...

Resident Evil

Resident Evil is a Japanese horror game series and media franchise created by Capcom. It consists of survival horror, third-person shooter and first-person ...


生化危机百科全书Wiki是一个任何人都可以贡献的在线社区网站。探索、分享并 ... 遊戲. Resident Evil 7 biohazard PC ...

Resident Evil Wiki

Resident Evil, known in Japan as biohazard (バイオハザード, Baiohazādo) is a 2002 survival horror video game developed by Capcom. It is a remake of the 1996 ...

Resident Evil Wiki

Welcome to the Resident Evil NeoWiki (UR MOM LOL)- this wiki is a community maintained repository of walkthroughs, guides, and information about the ...

Resident Evil Wiki (@RE_Wiki) X

Official twitter feed for the Resident Evil Wiki -a @getFANDOM wiki- 29800+ articles and growing!


惡靈古堡系列(日版名:バイオハザード,BIOHAZARD,英文版名:Resident Evil,中國大陸和香港譯作「生化危機」)是由卡普空公司推出,以恐怖驚悚與第三人稱射擊為主要 ...